Dabble DB

I can’t remember the last time a software demo made me involuntarily say “holy crap” so many times. In a good way, I mean.

Dabble DB, in case you haven’t heard of it, is a browser-based database exploration/development tool. The interface alone is inspiringly clear, elegant, and rich. And then there’s what it actually does with the data. We’ve all done these things, but we’ve had to do them in much slower, more laborious ways.

I can see how this demo has sparked interest in Seaside, the framework it’s built on. And I can see why web application programming challenges should all have an “Except Avi” clause.

If you develop web applications that use databases, you absolutely must watch this. It’s inspiring, though it’s also a little depressing. If you make it all the way through the demo without seeing a feature you want to steal, either you’re a web app demigod or you’re deep in denial.

Andrew commented on Tue Apr 25 11:43:01 2006:

That’s pretty rad, but I’m not sure it’d be that difficult to develop. Time consuming most definately. It’s very impressive and quite polished.

Andrew commented on Tue Apr 25 11:45:44 2006:

Not following the Seaside link was a mistake. Will this put Smalltalk back on the map again? Or… on the map like Ruby is from Rails?
