How to say you're sorry

When I came across this set of outage notices on the Google AdSense site tonight I couldn’t resist turning them into a general-purpose, public access tool that apologizes for broken websites in 23 languages.

For example, let’s say you’re the webmaster for Happy Fun Ball Corporation and you accidentally overwrite the web server’s document root while backing up your ASCII art collection, and it’s the day of a global product launch. No problem!

Billy commented on Sat Dec 31 08:40:12 2005:

they all came thru but when saving it & then reopening it, 4 failed, cool idea though (yes UTF-8), thx

Paul commented on Sun Jan 8 15:37:02 2006:

Thanks for the feedback. Not sure what the problem is there. I’ve saved and re-loaded the output in a Unicode-aware editor (TextMate) with no problems. It’s possible I’ve done something wrong on the encoding end, though, so I’m open to suggestions.
