Serious squatting

With everybody and their brother trying for the past couple years to bust into the the online calendar market, how is it that is sitting there with one of those stupid fake-search-engine advertising pages?

Way back in the ’90s, Skip Montanaro of Music-Cal fame put it to good use. Digging through the history it looks like he may have sold it to

I had to do a whois to see that still owned it. What the hell happened to that company? Sitting on for the past two years is an astounding move. Or, rather, lack thereof.

Dave commented on Sat Mar 31 23:35:22 2007:

Tell me about it. I recently went domain name shopping and was astounded to find that there are so many dictionary words taken and being used for nothing but fake search sites. They are parked by their owners who are simply trying to make a buck.

I actually contacted the owner of one such site to see if he would be interested in selling it. He wanted $7K!

I’ve owned a dictionary word domain name for a decade or so and over the years have been contacted a few times about it (it’s not for sale) but no one has ever offered me anything more than a few hundred bucks.

I did finally settle on a domain name for a new venture. It’s a two word domain name and it cost me less to register six different TLDs than it originally cost me to register my first domain name.

Funny thing was the guy wanting $7K for his idle domain took offense when I said he was a squatter. He thinks he’s a legit business man.
