Posts tagged: FUN

Spot the forgery

Somehow I don’t think this is worth making a filtering rule for, but it’s amusing. How many characters of this header to you need to scan before you know it’s forged?

Reveived: from
    by (Postfix) with SMTP id 94F36A25FF;
    Fri, 21 Jul 2006 17:03:27 +0200 (CEST)

Web developer evolution

After the frameworks post I kept thinking about this. Of course any generalizations I make are heavily colored by my own direct experience, but the progression seems to go along these lines:

  1. Make static web pages.

  2. Make modular pages using simple includes (in SSI, PHP, ASP, or what have you).

  3. Make pages with more involved functionality (form submissions to database, basic CRUD).

  4. Get sick of re-building dynamic stuff for every project; write your own kinda portable library or framework.

Stupid eBay tricks

I don’t remember when I bookmarked this URL, and I don’t know how long this has been a problem or how long it will last (presumably not very long if word gets around), but I hereby present for your amusement the Magical Endlessly Redirecting eBay URL:

(You have to be signed in to see the MAGIC. Also, it’s only theoretically endless – your browser will eventually give up.)