Posts tagged: DJANGO

Django management commands, remotely

Django management commands, remotely

I love Django management commands. For I’ve written several management commands for things that I don’t need a web UI for, like: expire - delete expired pastes (invoked by cron) expunge - manage TOS violations like spam stats - useful metrics on the current corpus of pastes, and on user activity In running the site I also use management commands from my django-blocklist app, for tasks like deleting expired entries (via cron) or generating reports.

A use case for Python assignment expressions

Python 3.8 (2019) added “assignment expressions”, aka the “walrus operator”. I generally like things that make Python more expression-oriented, like list comprehensions, but I’m ambivalent about these. It’s pretty easy to impair readability by using them overzealously. Is saving one line of code worth making it harder to notice that an assignment is happening? However, I’ve found a use case I like a lot. I use them in the Django Python shell when doing exploratory ORM queries. New stuff New stuff

In July I deployed a major update to Nothing exploded. Good things resulted. The TLDR It looks different of course, but here’s the other stuff that’s new: Proper user accounts replaced the old cookie-based “accounts” Signup via GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Google, or plain ol’ username/password “Favorites” feature Optional public profile (linked from items you post) Responsive HTML layouts (looks good on your phone now!) 100% HTTPS More robust database setup Application hosting by PythonAnywhere Lengthened the base-32 item IDs from 7 to 9 digits (and dropped the ambiguous 0, 1, O, I) Added a latest-item blurb (with geolocation when available) to the About page, for fun.
How to port 100,000 lines of Python 2 to Python 3

How to port 100,000 lines of Python 2 to Python 3

TLDR: Use python-future. The Project Last summer I led the conversion of a 100KLOC Python 2 web application to Python 3. The application is called “Accelerate” - the backbone of operations at my employer, MassChallenge, a global startup accelerator. It handles every stage of a running accelerator program: account creation for entrepreneurs and experts (mentors) startup applications online and in-person judging of applications coordination of one-on-one meetings with mentors during the program generation of reports used by judges selecting cash award recipients So, it’s a mission-critical app.
The Riak key-value database: I like it

The Riak key-value database: I like it

(Note: This is a writeup I did a few years ago when evaluating Riak KV as a possible data store for a high-traffic CMS. At the time, the product was called simply “Riak”. Naturally, other details may be out of date as well.) Riak is a distributed, key/value store written in Erlang. It is open source but supported by a commercial company, Basho. Its design is based on an Amazon creation called Dynamo, which is described in a 200-page paper published by Amazon.

The story of 2.0

Eight years ago, I launched a simple pastebin site written in Django. In those early Django days I spent a lot of time in the #django IRC channel. I thought we should have a pastebin that knew how to correctly colorize our code, and which was written in our framework to boot. So I wrote one. Eventually its URL ended up in the channel topic, then in the Django source code itself.

robots.txt via Django, in one line

A significant difference between developing Django sites versus static-HTML-based approaches (among which I count PHP and the like) is that static files, aka “media”, live in a dedicated spot. Sometimes you need a piece of static content to be available at a specific URL outside your media root. robots.txt for example. This can be done in pure Django (i.e. without even touching your Apache configuration), and is especially nice if your robots.