Posts tagged: UNIX

Django management commands, remotely

Django management commands, remotely

I love Django management commands. For I’ve written several management commands for things that I don’t need a web UI for, like: expire - delete expired pastes (invoked by cron) expunge - manage TOS violations like spam stats - useful metrics on the current corpus of pastes, and on user activity In running the site I also use management commands from my django-blocklist app, for tasks like deleting expired entries (via cron) or generating reports.
How to install the open source application Darktable on OS X

How to install the open source application Darktable on OS X

A step-by-step guide from real life Go to Skim page. Download some tarball. Scratch head over .tar.xz format. brew install xz xz --decompress darktable-1.4.2.tar.xz cd darktable-1.4.2 ./ --prefix /opt/darktable --buildtype Release Fail. brew install cmake brew install glib brew install gtk Fix weird permissions error inside existing libpng install. brew install gtk again brew install webp brew install lensfun again… fail, needs rsvg2 No available formula for rsvg2 No available formula for rsvg Give up on build.

The standard unix password manager you never heard of

Recently I switched my work environment from OS X to Ubuntu (a post on that project is in the works). For years I’ve been using the standard Apple Keychain app, which has several points in its favor: it’s included with the OS, it integrates well with a lot of applications, and is not trying to “freemium” me into a paid tier. However, it’s OS X only, which meant I had to find something new.

Keeping emacs backup files tidy

In the shell, emacs is my editor of choice. However, it has one default behavior that has gotten in the way more often than it has helped – automatic generation of backup files in the same directory as the original. Emacs is great for making quick edits to files on the web server. But I don’t want or need all those *~ files sitting around. The material is all in version control, so I can already revert to any point in history.

A tiny little API

When I created dpaste, I tried to make it both a simple browser-based tool and a simple RESTful API. With very little work you could write a script that created a new paste item with a single POST. Over the life of the site a few people have discovered and played with that “secret” API. I’ve now made it a bit more official. The new API has its own URL (versioned, even!

History lesson

This has been going around – give people a peek at what commands you run most often. I ran this on my server, where I spend most of my shell time: > history|awk '{a[$2]++} END{for(i in a){printf "%5d\t%s\n",a[i],i}}'|sort -rn|head 103 hg 81 cd 67 ll 29 ./ 23 ab 21 re-ap 17 hgup 14 svn 13 cat 12 ls Notes: Mercurial has pushed my use of Subversion way down. I can’t remember what I was benchmarking with ab, but I’m sure it’s faster now!

The anti-desktop movement

An opinionated minority of advanced computer users are rebelling against the WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointers) model of HCI. They are developing and promoting alternative interfaces (typically desiigned to work with unix-based systems) that embody their opinions. I haven’t used any of these yet, but here are the ones I keep encountering references to: Ion Ratpoison Orion StumpWM Most if not all of these credit the terminal-only GNU Screen (a program I do use) with inspiration.