Posts tagged: OPEN SOURCE source code available on request

I’m doing a small experiment in open source distribution.

I have a site,, which formerly was a collection of miscellaneous PHP scripts that I had assembled over the years for specific tasks – package tracking, dummy text generation, link shortening, etc. Those tools are now offline. The original cause of their disappearance was a MySQL failure, but that really just provided an opportunity for me to make a break with that pile of old code.

Latest iPhone SDK bug reports

From a post at Rogue Amoeba:

  • Allow applications to be installed at the user’s discretion, not Apple’s
  • Allow applications to run in background on iPhone
  • Allow access to root user on iPhone
  • A MediaPicker API for accessing the iPod music files is needed
  • Add option to allow iPhone applications to access entire filesystem
  • Allow iPhone applications to access the host computer when docking
  • Permit Voice over IP on the cellular network
  • Allow iPhone applications to access the docking port

Funny, it reads more like a list of demands! I’m +1 on it all though.

Stallman Inside

I bought a new Netgear wifi router for the house today, to replace a crappy old D-Link that didn’t really work with either my MacBook Pro or my new iPod touch.

A business-card-sized slip of paper fell out of the box when I opened it. It was a little GPL/LGPL notice, with a URL for downloading source. Digging further through the included paper I also found a three-panel insert with six-point type that has the full GPL text on one side and the full LGPL text on the other.

Open source bounties

Most readers are probably familiar with the fact that companies or organizations sometimes post “bounties” for open source products, or features, that they would like to see developed. Implement the thing to their satisfaction, you get the bounty – and the community gets the code. Sweet.

A while back I started gathering references to these things, thinking I’d start a site that listed them, made connections between coders and sponsors, etc.

OSCON 2007, Day 5 (belated)

OSCON 2007, Day 5 (belated)

OSCON ends with a half-day that goes by all too quickly. Below are some notes from those final few hours.


Nat Torkington

During the Keynote segment Nat Torkington cracked everyone up with an omnidirectional roast he called Open Source Therapy. He described imaginary family therapy scenarios in which Mom and Pop are working out their problems with their various open-source-project kids. The only one I wrote down was about Python: “Mom and Pop wish Python would get drunk, get laid, and lighten the fuck up!”