Posts tagged: PROGRAMMING

Bicycle Repair Man bundle for TextMate

Look! For a long time I’ve wanted to try working with Bicycle Repair Man, the Python refactoring tool. Unfortunately, the fact that it had neither documentation nor integration with my favorite editor kept pushing it to the back burner.

About a month ago I was excited to come across a post from a guy named David Coffin who had created a BRM integration script for TextMate. I hooked it up per his instructions, and with a little fiddling I got it working. The first thing I tried was the Extract Method or Function command. I had code something like this (structurally, I mean):

Podcasts I actually like

As I said in my last post, I haven’t found many tech/software podcasts worth sticking with, but since people have asked, here are a few that I generally like.

  • LugRadio. Loud men swearing in a small room. Plus Linux and whatnot. This show has some very funny moments, a rarity in tech podcasts. I hear they’re going to do an all-Haskell episode pretty soon.
  • Audible Ajax – good, though relatively infrequent
  • The Ruby on Rails Podcast is worth following. Even for a Django guy like me.
  • For OS X development, CocoaRadio can be instructive.
  • And finally, just recently I’ve been picking through the archives of a podcast with some interesting esoteric (for me) discussions: Industry Misinterpretations. Terrible name. It’s about Smalltalk. Remember Smalltalk?

James Robertson commented on Tue Apr 3 16:07:35 2007:

Developers, developers, developers

Just got back from my second meeting with the Western Mass. Developers Group. Being the only programmer in my workplace (and having been essentially solo in almost all of my software endeavors), it’s really refreshing for me to talk with other actual working programmers. Plus, we understand each other’s jokes.

Some topics of discussion (unordered):

  • FizzBuzz and code golfing
  • RPG and punch-cards
  • Can you name a program that Eric Raymond wrote besides fetchmail? (Answer: bogofilter)
  • $4,000 DST-change patches
  • Distributed version control (gratuitous mentions of darcs from me)
  • The fundamental turn toward concurrency in software: threat or menace or non-event?
  • Amazon EC2 (sounds very cool; evangelized by Chas)
  • Things to hate about Python
  • Things to hate about Ruby
  • Enumeration of lots of OS X stuff that’s written in C++, not Objective-C
  • Windows Vista on a MacBook ("…I was expecting more!")
  • Lisp as secret weapon, a la Paul Graham (sub-question: can you name a program Paul Graham wrote besides Viaweb?)
  • The TextMate book
  • Fun with Reddit (“Check out this 40-line Haskell program that translates Ruby on Rails code into Erlang!”)

Charles commented on Fri Mar 9 05:56:03 2007:

Two new Django-powered sites

One of the neat things about PyCon, even for those of us who aren’t attending, is that people save up goodies to announce and release during the conference. Django is certainly a hot topic at this year’s PyCon, and as of today at least two significant new Django-based sites have launched:

One is CheeseRater (great name!), from Jacob Kaplan-Moss, a quick-rating system for items in the Python community’s official package index, the Cheeseshop. In other words, if you think PyOMFG is the greatest module ever you can vote it up, and if you notice that PyFlockOfSeagulls hasn’t been updated since 1992 you can vote it down. The Cheeseshop is one of several pieces of that I’ve thought could benefit from the application of some crowd wisdom; Jacob gets a prize for taking action. It will be interesting to see how this evolves.