Posts tagged: RUBY

The Language I Will Kind of Learn in 2008: Smalltalk

In 2007, I took a whack at learning Haskell as my Language of the Year. It was an educational experience on more levels than I had expected. I didn’t get as far with the language as I might have hoped, but I did have the essential mind-opening experience of dealing with a purely functional, “lazy” language. My approach and style in my primary day-to-day language (Python) changed in a positive way. I really like Haskell and hope to continue playing, and possibly working, with it in the future.

OSCON 2007, Day 2 addendum: FOSCON

robot I was able to stop by Holocene this evening for the first half of FOSCON III: Really Radical Ruby. Those crazy kids. The event was sponsored by SQKWZR, which the two founding scientists/emcees claimed was fake – but you know they’re just saying that to keep people from stealing their ideas.

I saw five 10-minute-ish lightning talks before I had to leave and get my beauty rest. Here’s the gist. My apologies in advance to anyone whose presentation details, name, or affiliation I bungle:

Let's play a game: BASIC vs. Ruby vs. Python vs. PHP

In November I wrote about rediscovering BASIC Computer Games, a book I had when I was learning programming in the ’80s. Flipping through it recently I came across a simple game called “Reverse”:

The game of REVERSE requires you to arrange a list of numbers in numerical order from left to right. To move, you tell the computer how many numbers (counting from the left) to reverse. For example, if the current list is 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 and you reverse 4, the result will be 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9. Now if you reverse 5, you win.

Ubuntu, I buntu, we all buntu

$ grep ub$ /usr/share/dict/words
    | ruby -ne "print split(/(\s+)/).map{|w|w.capitalize}" 
    | xargs -I FOOB echo "FOOBuntu" 
    | column

Bathtubuntu     Interclubuntu   Strubuntu
Bedaubuntu      Knubuntu        Stubuntu
Bedubuntu       Misdaubuntu     Subuntu
Beelzebubuntu   Moneygrubuntu   Subshrubuntu
Blubuntu        Nubuntu         Succubuntu
Bubuntu         Ouroubuntu      Swilltubuntu
Cherubuntu      Overscrubuntu   Trillibubuntu
Chubuntu        Pubuntu         Trubuntu
Clubuntu        Redaubuntu      Tubuntu
Cubuntu         Redubuntu       Unclubuntu
Daubuntu        Rerubuntu       Undaubuntu
Disdubuntu      Rescrubuntu     Underclubuntu
Drubuntu        Resnubuntu      Undergrubuntu
Dubuntu         Reubuntu        Underscrubuntu
Flubuntu        Roubuntu        Undershrubuntu
Flubdubuntu     Rubuntu         Undertubuntu
Fubuntu         Sandclubuntu    Undubuntu
Gaubuntu        Scrubuntu       Washtubuntu
Glubuntu        Semishrubuntu   Woodgrubuntu
Grubuntu        Shrubuntu       Zebubuntu
Hubuntu         Sillabubuntu    Zermahbubuntu
Hubbubuntu      Slubuntu
Inrubuntu       Snubuntu

I got the idea for this after listening to a recent LugRadio podcast. They’re all about Ubuntu. If you didn’t know, Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that has begun sprouting similarly-named offshoots like Kubuntu and Edubuntu and whatnot.