I like writing tests

I like writing tests

I enjoy writing tests because I love what they give me.

  • I love knowing that I’m adding defense against breakage from future changes.
  • I love thinking through how a feature is really supposed to work, and having the test capture that understanding.
  • I love thinking about edge cases that the code should handle, and writing tests for them — especially if it turns out that the code under test didn’t yet handle them correctly, because that means I’ve just saved us from a bug.

I can remember projects with zero test coverage (early in my career, I didn’t even know that was a problem) where implementing and shipping large changes was anxiety-provoking — both during the work, and after deployment. That awful feeling of holding your breath waiting for bugs to manifest.

The care and feeding of tickets

The care and feeding of tickets

I can be kind of a stickler about leveraging the ticket/issue tracker in software projects (which always seems to be Jira these days, but nevermind that). I write tickets carefully; I link to related issues; I add comments to note the status of work in progress, or to record info that’s important to the work to be done.

How to get a remote software engineering job

I’ve been a full-time remote worker since 2010.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought big changes to things involving face-to-face contact – like going to an office for work. Since this sea change has gotten more engineers (and employers) to think about remote work, I thought I’d share some tips on how to find and keep remote gigs.

This was written with junior-level engineers in mind, and is more about full-time employment than freelancing. Hopefully it has useful bits for others as well.