Posts tagged: SPAM

Summer Spam

Spam is occupying more than its customary share of my attention in recent weeks. I’ve long had a morbid fascination with sleazy human communication (hence That makes the always-relentless stream of spam, though not exactly welcome, at least interesting.

Spam volume also seems to have increased during this period. The number of spam attempts my mail server rejects per day had been steady at around 3,000 for months. Now it’s back up around 5,000 or 6,000.

SPF-enabled spam domains

Among the many anti-spam measures on my mail server – which help me reject 5000 spam attempts per day – is SPF. SPF allows domain name owners to specify which mail servers are allowed to send its mail. That makes it an excellent way to detect address forgeries, a favorite spammer tool.

One of the early questions raised about SPF was: won’t spammers just buy their own domains and set up their own SPF records that say it’s all OK? You can read the answer in the SPF FAQ, but the short version is: Yes, they will, but it won’t give them a free pass.

Email servers: how not to do it

I run my own mail server. I don’t consider myself an especially skilled administrator, so I shouldn’t point fingers. However, in recent weeks I’ve had the following experience more than once.

  1. A delivery-failure message arrives from an unfamiliar host.
  2. The (quoted) orginal message is nothing I ever sent.
  3. The recipient is unfamiliar to me.
  4. The “sender” of the original message is an email address I control, but not one I ever send mail with.
  5. OK, so this is backscatter.
  6. I email the postmaster suggesting they learn how to avoid sending it.
  7. The message to the postmaster bounces back because of some server misconfiguration.

Argh! Nothing spoils the catharsis of a good complaint like a bounce.

Comment Spam Stats

Since January 12th:

  • Valid comments accepted by Akismet: 36
  • Spam comments accepted by Akismet: 17
  • Spam comments rejected by Akismet: 814

I don’t have a number for false positives, but given that I’ve received zero email complaints I’ll assume the number is low if not zero. This gives Akismet about a 98% success rate on catching spam, which is pretty good. It makes my life better. Having more spam comments than real comments get through the gates can be really depressing for a blog owner.

I'm not spamming you

Damned spammers. Looks like a big batch of drug-spam just went out with my personal email forged as the sender. The number of backscatter messages I’ve gotten today exceeds the number of spams that usually make it through to me in a week. Why? Because my anti-spam measures are mostly about blocking messages from “bad” mail servers, and backscatter comes from “good” mail servers.

I’m laying a lot of ironic emphasis on those quotes around “good” because I shouldn’t be getting those backscatter messages at all. They piss me off – at the spammers, of course, but also at the people who run the mail servers which are helpfully “returning” mail to me that I did not send. In a more idealistic time I might have suggested that they could have avoided this by using SPF (which is true), but this is an even more basic competence issue. To quote from the above linked page: