Posts tagged: TIPS

Random crufty open source release of the day

Last year a client asked for help moving his website to a new host from The tricky part was that his 200 pages of content were locked into an obsolescent proprietary tool called “Site Builder” that offered no exporting options. The file format was a flatfile that looked like this:

#Page-Type "html"
#UID "1000"
#Access-PublicRead "on"
#Access-PublicWrite "off"
#Page-Links-Style "links_outline.nhtml"
#addbrs "off"
#hidenav "off"
#HTML ...

The file structure went like this: a parent directory named nss-objects; child directories bearing page names (or slugs, really); and inside each, an empty directory named !data and a text file named !object with the page content as described above. Weird. (I suppose every proprietary one-off system is weird in its own way, so there’s nothing to be gained from dwelling on the specifics, but at least including them in the post raises the chances that somebody who actually needs this thing and searches for it will find it.)

More quick-not-dirty PHP

For larger web projects I’ve moved almost exclusively to Django, but PHP is still handy. Recently I wanted to quickly (really quickly) make a flat-heirarchy site with dynamic pages, with clean urls like and

I could do this with several directories containing index.php files, but I want to use the Google Maps API on several of these pages, and the separate directories would entail separate Google Maps API access keys – a pain.

The twenty-minute trouble ticket system

People are always going on about how it “only” takes twenty minutes or whatever to knock together some little application. Screencasts don’t count, unless they are screencasts of somebody who hasn’t done any preparation. But damn, I just built a trouble-ticket system in Django in twenty minutes. Really. Of course, I already had a running install, this is just something I added. But it was instantly useful. I assigned four tickets to myself and now I can go have dinner.

Django development tips

Working on a couple Django projects in tandem has me tuning my approach to using the built-in development server. I thought I’d share some of the techniques I’m using.

Here are the commands I’m going to talk about. If you understand it all from these lines, you’re done!

screen -S projectname
./ runserver |& tee -a logs/devserver.log
^A ^D
tail -f logs/devserver.log
screen -r projectname
screen -list

Using screen

screen -S projectname

The GNU screen command is incredibly useful for all kinds of things, including longish-running processes that need to be checked and tweaked and stopped and started – like your Django development server. (Read more about screen if this is new to you.)

Digg vs. Reddit vs. Me

The title of this post is a joke, but one you’re only likely to get if you actually use one of these services: in the attention economy of link-sharing, titles that pit one thing against another tend to rise higher. (Maybe this validates the old Wired Magazine guideline of “no conflict, no story” – or maybe it proves the easiest way to get attention is to antagonize.)

Over the past few months I’ve played with both Digg and Reddit as ways to discover new and interesting stuff, and wanted to post some notes for the hypothetical reader who is even farther behind this particular curve than I am.