Ubuntu, I buntu, we all buntu
$ grep ub$ /usr/share/dict/words
| ruby -ne "print split(/(\s+)/).map{|w|w.capitalize}"
| xargs -I FOOB echo "FOOBuntu"
| column
Bathtubuntu Interclubuntu Strubuntu
Bedaubuntu Knubuntu Stubuntu
Bedubuntu Misdaubuntu Subuntu
Beelzebubuntu Moneygrubuntu Subshrubuntu
Blubuntu Nubuntu Succubuntu
Bubuntu Ouroubuntu Swilltubuntu
Cherubuntu Overscrubuntu Trillibubuntu
Chubuntu Pubuntu Trubuntu
Clubuntu Redaubuntu Tubuntu
Cubuntu Redubuntu Unclubuntu
Daubuntu Rerubuntu Undaubuntu
Disdubuntu Rescrubuntu Underclubuntu
Drubuntu Resnubuntu Undergrubuntu
Dubuntu Reubuntu Underscrubuntu
Flubuntu Roubuntu Undershrubuntu
Flubdubuntu Rubuntu Undertubuntu
Fubuntu Sandclubuntu Undubuntu
Gaubuntu Scrubuntu Washtubuntu
Glubuntu Semishrubuntu Woodgrubuntu
Grubuntu Shrubuntu Zebubuntu
Hubuntu Sillabubuntu Zermahbubuntu
Hubbubuntu Slubuntu
Inrubuntu Snubuntu
I got the idea for this after listening to a recent LugRadio podcast. They’re all about Ubuntu. If you didn’t know, Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that has begun sprouting similarly-named offshoots like Kubuntu and Edubuntu and whatnot.