The MySpace worm

Via Rafe I learned of an astounding Javascript hack done by a MySpace user. Excerpts from the summary, allegedly written by the creator:

…anyone who viewed my profile who wasn’t already on my friends list would inadvertently add me as a friend. Without their permission.

8:35 am: You have 74 friends and 221 friend requests. Woah. I did not expect this much. I’m surprised it even worked. 200 people have been infected in 8 hours. That means I’ll have 600 new friends added every day. Woah.

The Onion moves to Drupal

Humor services provider The Onion has moved the back-end of their extensive, and presumably extremely high-traffic, website to Drupal as of August 30th. It’s not clear what they were using before, but I believe it was homebuilt PHP stuff. I’ll miss playing with their old remotely exploitable headline-generating script, but this seems like a good move. One of the developers has posted an interesting overview of the redesign process.

It’s a nice feather in the cap of the Drupal community to have a prominent and busy site adopt their software. My only dig at them is that I figured it out because I saw “/node/” in the URLs!