Posts tagged: DJANGO

The story of 2.0

Eight years ago, I launched a simple pastebin site written in Django.

In those early Django days I spent a lot of time in the #django IRC channel. I thought we should have a pastebin that knew how to correctly colorize our code, and which was written in our framework to boot. So I wrote one. Eventually its URL ended up in the channel topic, then in the Django source code itself.

Over the years, changes have been minimal. I switched from a Javascript-powered colorizer to Pygments. I added an API. I fixed things that broke. Mostly I just kept it running and usable. (I’ll also note that many excellent new pastebins were created in those years as well.)

robots.txt via Django, in one line

A significant difference between developing Django sites versus static-HTML-based approaches (among which I count PHP and the like) is that static files, aka “media”, live in a dedicated spot.

Sometimes you need a piece of static content to be available at a specific URL outside your media root. robots.txt for example. This can be done in pure Django (i.e. without even touching your Apache configuration), and is especially nice if your robots.txt content is short. The example below serves a basic “keep out” configuration.

Django LogEntry to the rescue

If you use Django’s admin application, you’re familiar with its “Recent Actions” sidebar. It gives a simple summary of your latest edits, including clickable links to the relevant objects (not any ones you deleted, naturally, but ones you added or changed).

It’s probably not something you look at very often, unless you do such intensive work in the admin that you lose track of things.

Django stores that log data (via the admin’s LogEntry model) for all admin users, a fact which has caused me to repeatedly daydream about writing a custom view or two to display it. In other words, I’d like to let superusers browse all object editing history. Because sometimes you need to answer questions like “When was that changed?” and/or “Who changed it?”

Making your way from PHP to Python and Django

“I’m a PHP programmer and I want to check out this Django thing. What should I do?”

I’ve been seeing this kind of question pop up more and more, and I have a few answers.

First-hand experience as well as many conversations with developers online have led me to the same conclusion: the curious person behind such a question should be encouraged and assisted. (I’ll call that person “Pat” for the rest of the post, for convenience and conscientious gender-neutrality.)