Posts tagged: DJANGO

Pastebin update: Pygments

This past spring I posted about a simple pastebin app I wrote using Django. This week I updated it to use the excellent Pygments syntax-coloring library (formerly known as Pykleur).

Pygments has support for a healthy number of languages/syntaxes, offers a great deal of flexibility, ships with several different color schemes, and can produce output in HTML/CSS, LaTEX, or ANSI terminal colors. I created a “pcat” alias to take advantage of that last one when working in the shell.

Handling legacy URLs with Django

One of the great things about Django is its simple and flexible URL handling. If your Django work, like mine, includes converting existing sites, you’ll probably be doing some URL cleanup along the way. Django’s “generic views” system includes a view called “redirect_to” that handles cases like this. A rule might look like this:

urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.simple',
    ('^foo/oldsite/BadOldUrl33247.blech$', 'redirect_to', {'url': '/bar/nice-new-url/'}),

But because the URL pattern building happens in Python, if you have many of these you can do better than filling your with variants of that line. Here’s the root urlconf for one of my sites:

Rails security hole hullabaloo

Oops So, a serious security hole in Rails was announced this week. There’s a lot of bashing going on about “security through obscurity.” I’ve always understood STO as sustained secrecy about known (or possible) vulnerabilities, which seems different from the Rails team’s provisional waiting period between the initial announcement and the full disclosure. (And the patches themselves told the story, for those familiar with the source.)

Not that there weren’t legitimate problems with their patch release process. They definitely made mistakes they can learn from.

Root, sweet root

For several weeks at work I’ve been prepping for a server move; this week we flipped the switch. It was the most serious migration I’ve ever done, and it went very well. Some notes:

  • Previously we shared a dedicated box at a certain very large colo provider. A few weeks ago, in the course of swapping out a failing drive in our box, staffers at the colo 1) wiped out the live backup of the drive and then 2) destroyed the contents of the failing drive, overwriting it with a week-old backup. A week is a lot for us, with a couple limited-access applications (Django apps, naturally) seeing steady daily use by hundreds of users. This just firmed my resolve to go with a smaller provider (JohnCompanies) who has taken good care of me over the past three years.

Django as superego

I built a toy site using Django’s “generic views” last night. Basically this means that for the first time I created an app without writing any real code – I defined a model, wrote some rules mapping URLs to Django’s generic view functions, and made some templates that get called by that view code (I spent most of my time fussing with the templates!).

This would have been pretty easy to hack up in PHP, too, but there are lots of things that would have been just as easy to not do the “right” way – things like clean URLs everywhere, redirect-after-POST (to avoid multiple submissions), custom error pages, a polished admin for inspecting and editing the data, nicely modular templates. Django made it easier to do it right than to do it wrong.