Posts tagged: FEEDS


From textcasting.

The text is actually contained in a 15-minute audio file. (It’s 15 minutes of silence, which is how we make the file so small.) Play the file as you would any other podcast, and then hit the iPod’s center button two or three times until you reach the description field, which contains the full TP text. You can scroll through the text using the iPod’s scroll wheel.

All this for the lack of a feed reader.

RSS tweaks

Just made some minor improvements to the RSS infrastructure here on the site:

  1. There are now feeds that allow you to follow comments on an individual post (look for the “comment feed” button).

  2. I created a minimal stylesheet so that feed-reader-less users will see something a little prettier and more informative in their browser if they attempt to view a feed directly. There’s much more I could do here (with XSL for instance), but it’s a start. This actually was the first time I’d ever written a stylesheet for XML content.

Hungry MSNbot

Perhaps Microsoft is gearing up for combat in the web search index size wars. From August stats for

 	12.77% 	msnbot/1.0 (+
 	3.61% 	Googlebot/2.1 (+
 	3.34% 	Yahoo! Slurp

So 12.77% of the domain’s hits for August came from MSNbot. When I drill down into the detail, it looks like the bot has a particular affinity for RSS feeds.

Google News feeds

As of Monday, Google News now offers Atom and RSS feeds. If you’ve visited Google News this week you probably have already seen the Atom/RSS links on news pages. To roll your own, just add an “output=rss” or “output=atom” parameter to your request. Goodbye, scrapers.


O’Reilly has been running CodeZoo for a few months now. Today they announced CodeZoo subsites for Python and Ruby. CodeZoo is very slick – you can track changes to a particular app or component via a special RSS feed, for instance. Downloads are fast and simple, even for Sourceforge-hosted projects. And they’ve got this new thing called DOAP (why do you think they call it DOAP?), an XML schema for component information. (Tangent: I’m thinking that DOAP could be a nice standard upon which to build phone-home version checking features.)