Posts tagged: PYTHON

State of the Python Union

Belatedly, here are my notes from Guido van Rossum’s “State of the Python Union” talk this past Wednesday.

Guido discusses (with illustrations) his recent eye problems.

SD Magazine/Jolt Productiviity Award given to Python 2.4. O’Reilly Python book sales are up. Unscientifically extracted Sourceforge stats: about 4000 python projects.

Discussion of PEP 342 and PEP 343 broke records on python-dev (“What about decorators?” somebody asks. “I think this was worse,” Guido says.)

PEP 342: Generator enhancements. Can we make yield do some of the things that it does in Ruby? Yield becomes an expression instead of a statement.


O’Reilly has been running CodeZoo for a few months now. Today they announced CodeZoo subsites for Python and Ruby. CodeZoo is very slick – you can track changes to a particular app or component via a special RSS feed, for instance. Downloads are fast and simple, even for Sourceforge-hosted projects. And they’ve got this new thing called DOAP (why do you think they call it DOAP?), an XML schema for component information. (Tangent: I’m thinking that DOAP could be a nice standard upon which to build phone-home version checking features.)

Mobile Python

Python for the Nokia Series 60 tempts me to get a Nokia phone. Meanwhile I stare at my Palm and mourn the once-amazing, now moribund Pippy.

Larry commented on Mon Nov 14 19:02:17 2005:

Yes, a small palm-specific subset of python with appropriate palm extensions, like plua. Too bad plua’s not ppython. Doesn’t PalmSource understand the marketing boon a professional quality (free on palm os) python interpreter would be to them. -l

Python web framework mania

It was a busy week in the world of Python web frameworks.

The CherryPy project released its 2.1 beta.

Subway, a Ruby-on-Rails-style stack that builds on CherryPy, released its first milestone.

But the biggest news has been the release of the Django framework. Like Rails, Django grew out of real, production web apps and is going public with a lot of momentum. It seems to strike a nice balance between power and simplicity. Doesn’t hurt that the website looks pretty, either…