Posts tagged: FUN

My 100x ROI as accidental domain speculator

One of the hazards of working in the web biz is impulse-buying domain names.

Back in the Web 2.0 boom days, there were a lot of “social” web plays with silly names.

I thought I’d satirize this by registering and making a social site where you could “friend” the number 7 and that sort of thing.

I never got around to building that site. However I did get a curious email one day from “Joe” who wanted to know if I’d sell the name. He was with a startup that was going to offer temporary phone numbers for Craigslist postings or something. After some back and forth, we agreed on a price: $1000.

Quora questions I've seen enough of

I really do like Quora (you may have seen my SadQuora tweets, a side effect of the time I spend there). But when somebody asked, “What are the most annoying types of questions on Quora?” I couldn’t resist. Maybe it’s just my feed, but I see things like these a lot:

  • I’m 23 years old, am I too old to learn programming?
  • If a self-driving car had to either hit and kill a cow in the left lane, or hit and kill a horse in the right lane, which would it choose?
  • I made this, do you like it?
  • Who would win in a fight between seven adult tigers and a Humvee full of Navy SEALs?
  • What is the best programming language to use if I want to make a site to compete with Facebook?
  • What phone is best for graphic design?
  • What is the process of building a jet airplane from scratch? Please be specific.
  • Why do all my questions get marked as needing improvement?
  • My computer is acting funny, how do I fix it?
  • Is computer programming going to be obsolete in five years because all the computers will program themselves?
  • My girlfriend said she didn’t want to see me anymore and moved to another country and married some other guy and changed her name. Would it be romantic to track her down?
  • What is the cutest picture of your cat and what is a story about it?

Teaching Non-programmers what Programming is Like

How do you comprehensibly explain to non-programmers the challenges of programming? Why can’t you “just tell the computer what you want it to do”?

A classic teaching tool for this is the “make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich” demo.

Put out on the table a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly, a loaf of bread, and a knife. Tell them you are a robot (computer) that is physically capable of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but you need instruction (programming). That’s their job. spot check

Once in a while I look at a sampling of recent dpaste activity. Partly I do it so I’m not totally out of touch with what my site contains. Partly I do it because it’s just interesting.

And I do it to confirm that the site is actually used by people who want to share code snippets, not just spambots who fire their cannons into every porthole.

I just sampled 10 random items from the last week. Happily, no spam. Here’s what I saw:

Chess via iPod

I’m still loving my iPod touch. It’s really a great little handheld computer. I’m able to do almost everything I need with the stock apps, but there are a couple free third-party apps that have earned a permanent place on it. One is the game Chess With Friends from NewToy.

Chess with God This is a version of what is also known as “postal” or “correspondence” chess. You make a move and send it to your opponent; your opponent makes a move and sends it back to you. (In this version, the CWF app rather than your mail carrier is the middleman.) You can pick somebody out of your address book, or ask the CWF app to find you a random opponent. Nice touches include in-game chat, step-by-step replays, and optional email or SMS notifications.