Posts tagged: SITE

I’ve re-launched my little Django-powered pastebin (formerly under its own shiny new $8 domain name: Not that the world really needs another pastebin, but people have been using it daily and it’s a fun side project. From the about page:

Philosophy: Simplicity and usability. The grayscale look makes the colorized source code stand out. Cookie-based personal defaults eliminate lots of extra form widgetry. Automatic expiry means the database never fills up. Auto-focus on the Code field means mouse-free operation. No required fields means you can paste, tab, return, and go. No running list of recent items means the spammers remain invisible. And Django makes nice clean URLs the path of least resistance.

Blog flair backlash

It’s now official: right-minded people hate those little “Blog me, digg me, add me to your feed baby!” icons attached to blog posts. References:

Maybe I’m part of the problem. I avoid the Nascar-style decorations, but I do have text links at the bottom of each post that cover three such sites. My links are tasteful, of course – no icons, just gray text. Faster than a bookmarklet, even, since you can use them right from the front page of the blog. But I do feel mixed about them.

TextMate command for

After seeing a similar offering from the Web 2.0 pastebin Attachr I couldn’t resist. So here’s a simple TextMate command that submits selected text to, opening the new URL in your default web browser. Bonus features: the filename is used as the title, and the language syntax is guessed from the file extension.

This is a very crude little script, but too much fun not to share. Download and double-click the resulting .tmCommand file, that should be all there is to it.

Pastebin update: Pygments

This past spring I posted about a simple pastebin app I wrote using Django. This week I updated it to use the excellent Pygments syntax-coloring library (formerly known as Pykleur).

Pygments has support for a healthy number of languages/syntaxes, offers a great deal of flexibility, ships with several different color schemes, and can produce output in HTML/CSS, LaTEX, or ANSI terminal colors. I created a “pcat” alias to take advantage of that last one when working in the shell.

Spam stats redux

My spam stats page was broken for a while, but I’ve fixed it. Looks like I’m rejecting about 10,000 spam attempts per day, which is significantly less than I expected given the rate of growth when I last checked the numbers a few months ago. It’s possible some of this reduction is due to the fact that I’m no longer collecting spam via spamtrap addresses, with some of those addresses (which accounted for about a third of my total spam volume) falling off the lists of spammers who actually check for deliverability.